Feb 1, 2010

Sparkly! Fairy Goth Mother Corsets

I happened to find myself in the neighborhood of Lulu and Lush this afternoon. I had work to do, but in the true spirit of procrastination I decided to try on a few glittery corsets instead.

I was curious how the red sequin number (see the poll in previous post) actually fit me. At £155 I can't imagine it's of the highest quality so I wanted to if it felt cheap, or if the sparkles made me forget to care. Unfortunately they didn't have my size in the red and black. However they had a similar corset I could try on for fit. Turns out, both corsets are covered in sequins and although I wasn't immediately attracted to the zebra sequin one, it really grew on me. From a distance, it is FABULOUS. 

What do you think?

The Sequin Wonder £155

This one was a 28" which was too big for me, so the fit wasn't as nice as the other corset below, which was nice and tight.

Zebra Sequin Wonder £155       This one fit much better, and cinched me down to a 27" waist easily. Given half an hour in it, I could have gone down to 26". The pattern is a bit gaudy, but my inner drag queen loves that about it. In all honesty, these are not the highest quality- as I expected. But if you're not a corset snob (and frankly I can't afford to be) they are perfectly suitable. Also... SEQUINS! If it were up to me, I'd get them both. Where's a wealthy benefactor when you need one?


  1. the Zebra one is so much more. You look fantastic in it!

  2. I assume the zebra one looks better in person. Even so, I would advise against it. If you really need sequins, the red one is far better.

    Perhaps a visit to What Katie Did is in order? You'd look fab in one of their velvet corsets (or perhaps the Floral Antoinette corset).

  3. Lori- I would LOVE to do a trip to What Katie Did. I need new stockings too... I'm sure there's a photo or two in that...
